simple sponge cake recipe to uniquely decorate your cakes

  • Difficulty level: easy

  • Access to the lesson immediately after payment

  • Step-by-step instructions, description of technologies and a list of required materials

  • Technical support from curators and answers to all questions, while access to the lesson is open

  • Access to the video for 6 months, text materials remain with you forever

ELENA GNUT, pastry chef brand

Her works are known and loved all over the world. Elena’s master classes are very popular and have hundreds of delighted students from all over the world.

- STEP 1 -

fill out the form below

- STEP 2 -

pay for access to the lesson

- STEP 3 -

check your inbox, letter with a link will be sent to your e-mail

- STEP 4 -

start learning!

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