Bright idea for a cozy autumn holiday or a special tea party🍁

Suitable for: pastry chefs of any level

✓ Feedback from curators for the entire access time
✓ Detailed video and step-by-step instructions

Ссылка на это место страницы: #program

— Recipe and video tutorial for making ganache

— Leveling the cake, working with chocolate

— Painting the mug with food paints
— Final assembly of the composition

This cozy cake is quite simple to perform, while in the process of making it you will learn various techniques for working with ganache, chocolate and dyes.

The lesson is suitable for both beginners and professionals, and you can recoup the cost of training from the very first orders!

— Recipe and video tutorial for making ganache
— Leveling the cake, working with chocolate
— Painting the mug with food paints
— Final assembly of the composition

This cozy cake is quite simple to perform, while in the process of making it you will learn various techniques for working with ganache, chocolate and dyes.

The lesson is suitable for both beginners and professionals, and you can recoup the cost of training from the very first orders!
  • Video tutorial with a detailed English subtitles, demonstration and teacher comments

  • Step-by-step instructions, product list and technology description

  • Individual support from curators and answers to all questions while access to the lesson is open

  • Convenient app for learning on smartphones
  • Access to the video for 1 year, text material and recipes remain with you forever

scroll to see the work of our students

Ссылка на это место страницы: #form

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